Universitatea Naţională de Artă Teatrală şi Cinematografică

  • Drama in the Modern World : Plays and Essays : The Wild Duck, by Henrik Ibsen : Miss Julie, by August Strindberg : The Cherry Orchard, by Anton Chekhov : Major Barbara, by George Bernard Show : Playboy of the Western World, by John Millington Synge : Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Luigi Pirandello : Desire under the Elms, by Eugene O'Neill : The House of Bernarda Alba, by Federico Garcia Lorca : Ondine, by Jean Giraudoux : The Good Woman of Setzuan, by Bertold Brecht : The Glass Mana
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Editor: Weiss, Samuel A.
    Responsabilitate secundară: Samuel A. Weiss
    Editura: D.C. Heath and Co.
    Locul publicării: Lexington
    Anul Ediției: c1964
    Descriere: VIII+555 p.
    Note: Include următoarele eseuri: ”The Will and Testament of Ibden”, by Mary McCarthy; ”Author's Foreword to Miss Julie”, by August Strindberg; ”Anton Chekhov”, by Maxim Gorky; ”A Whisper About Bernard Show”, by Sean O'Casey; ”Estracts from the Note Books”, by John Millington Synge; ”Preface to The Well of the Saints”, by William Butler Yeats; ”on Six Characters in Search of an Author”, by Luigi Pirandello; ”Eugene O'Neill, The Lonely Revolutionary”, by Joseph Wood Krutch; ”Trying to Like O'Neill”, by Erik Bentley; ”The Poet and Sex”, by Arturo Barea; ”Giraudoux : An Introduction”, by Maurice Valency; ”The Brechtian Theatre : Its Theory and Practice”, by Martin Esslin; ”Valentine to Tennessee Williams”, by Kenneth Tynan; ”Review of The Glass Menagerie”, by Stark Young; ”The World of Ionesco”, by Eugene Ionesco; ”Ionesco : Man of Destiny”, by Kenneth Tynan; ”A Replay to Kenneth Tynan : The Playwright's Role”, by Eugene Ionesco; ”Ionesco to the Phantom”, by Kenneth Tynan; ”Shagreen Shamrock”, by Roy Walker; ”Becket by the Madeleine”, by Tom Driver; ”Soviet Drama”, by Alexander Korneichuk
    Note: Include Bibliografie selectivă
    Limba: Engleză
    Subiect: Teatru - Piese de teatru
    Subiect: Dramaturgie - Eseuri critice - Antologie de teatru
    Cota topografică: TEant/D81
    Clasificare: 8-2(08)
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Universitatea Naţională de Artă Teatrală şi Cinematografică
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