Universitatea Naţională de Artă Teatrală şi Cinematografică

Iluminare scenică

Subiect Tematic: Iluminare scenică
Lucrări: 1 lucrari in 57 publicatii in 5 limbi
Concert Lighting : The Art and Business of Entertainment Lighting de: Moody, James L.; Dexter, Paul (Text tipărit)
A Practical Guide to Stage Lighting de: Shelley, Steven Louis (Text tipărit)
The Automated Lighting Programmer's Handbook de: Schiller, Brad (Text tipărit)
The Stage Lighting Handbook de: Reid, Francis (Text tipărit)
Stage Lighting : The Fundamentals de: Dunham, Richard (Text tipărit)
Stage Lighting : Design Applications and More de: Dunham, Richard (Text tipărit)
Stage Lighting Design de: Fraser, Neil (Text tipărit)
Stage Lighting Design : The Art, The Craft, The Life de: Pilbrow, Richard (Text tipărit)
Designing with Light : An Introduction to Stage Lightning de: Gillette, Michael J.; McNamara, Michael (Text tipărit)
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