Universitatea Naţională de Artă Teatrală şi Cinematografică

Death - Drama.

Subiect tematic: Death - Drama.
Lucrări: 1 lucrari in 4 publicatii in 1 limbi
Death of England : Delroy / / written by Roy Williams and Clint Dyer. de: Dyer, Clint, (1968-); Williams, Roy, (1968-) (Resurse electronice)
Long time dead / / Rona Munro. de: Munro, Rona, (1959-) (Text tipărit)
Light falls / / Simon Stephens. de: Stephens, Simon, (1971-) (Resurse electronice)
Hushabye mountain / / Jonathan Harvey. de: Harvey, Jonathan, (1968-); Harvey, Jonathan, (1968-) (Text tipărit)
Dead and breathing / / Chisa Hutchinson. de: Hutchinson, Chisa, (Text tipărit)
The winter's tale (NT) / / by William Shakespeare, in a new version for young audiences by Justin Audibert. de: Girling, Jonathan,; Amoo-Gottfried, Nana,; Shakespeare, William, (1564-1616.); Richards, Adrian,; Wong, Gabby,; Winship, Mike,; Audibert, Justin,; Sierra, Lucy,; Wyer, Samuel,; Thomas, Kenton,; Levi-John, Stephanie,; Cullingford, Lucy,; Nicholls, Shazia,; Camacho, Tamara,; National Theatre (Great Britain),; Knott, Paul,; More, Johndeep, (Materiale de proiecţie sau video )
Sit and shiver / / Steven Berkoff. de: Berkoff, Steven. (Text tipărit)
Here we go / / Caryl Churchill. de: Churchill, Caryl, (Text tipărit)
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